Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sarah's Sweet Pork Recipe

No matter what stage of life one is in, the majority of people don't want to spend hours preparing dinner every night. Of course there are going to be exceptions, sometimes I get excited about making something really special so I spend more time preparing then I normally do. However, for the most part I like to keep a number of simple dinner recipes on hand for day-to-day use.

Now when I say recipes, I may be using that word a little loosely. I'm known for cooking without referencing any recipes. There is no doubt in my mind that I acquired this habit from my Grandma Fisher, who is always whipping up cakes, rolls, casseroles, and endless yummies without so much as a glance at a recipe book. My grandma is a phenomenal cook so I am really crossing my fingers that my skills will eventually come close to the level that hers have reached.

This habit to "wing" things works out for me most of the time, but of course I have some blunders. After my victories I get more creative and continue to make up my own creations and after my failures I fall back  to using recipes for a little while. Well about two weeks ago I happened onto a fabulous creation and I am excited to share my new recipe with you.

I was making dinner for six adults and two children. I had a 2lb pork roast I wanted to use up that I knew would easily feed everyone so I popped it into the crock pot in the morning. I put a little water in the bottom of the crock pot as well, but other then that, I added nothing.

About two hours before dinner time I decided to figure out some sort of sweet pork concoction. I am not a huge fan of the sweet pork recipes that use Colas as sweeteners, so I went to the food pantry and selected a jar of apricot preservestomato sauce, and diced chilies. Then I picked my enchilada seasoning from the spice cupboard.

I drained the water off of the roast and shredded it with a couple of forks. I then added all of the ingredients I had selected from the pantry along with about 3 tablespoons of enchilada seasoning. I let the shredded meat simmer in the sauce for about 2 hours.

When it came time to serve the sweet pork I set out tortillastortilla chips, lettuce, chopped onions and tomatoes, guacamole, sour cream, salsaranch, and shredded cheese.

In our family, like many other families, there are various food allergies that exist among us. This meal allows everyone to choose a sweet pork salad, burrito, taco, or nachos. Individuals can select the toppings that they want and are able to eat. I creeped on a few family members' plates so that you could get a look at what they created.

As you can see, everyone made different entrees from the meat and personalized the meal to their preference. The cutie in the last picture is my sister, and she is lovin' her sweet pork salad!

Sarah's Sweet Pork

-2lb Pork Roast
-1 Can Green Chilies
-1 Can Tomato Sauce
-Desired Toppings


Cook the pork on low for 6 hours in the crock pot with about 2 cups of water. Drain the water from the roast and shred the meat. Add all ingredients and mix well. Let cook on low for about 2 more hours. Serve with tortillastortilla chips, lettuce, chopped onions and tomatoes, guacamole, sour cream, salsa, ranch, shredded cheese, or any other desired toppings. 


Tuesday, June 2, 2015

10 Tips to Survive Pregnancy

Today I am 39 weeks pregnant and so ready for this baby to come!
I'm hoping to VBAC, but if I don't go into labor before Monday, then I'll go in for a C-Section. I've been doing a lot of research into VBACs and C-Sections and I'm excited to share what I have learned with you after the baby comes.

While I'm definitely not the expert on pregnancy yet, I have learned a couple tricks to surviving this crazy time!

1. Exercise

 During my first pregnancy I was finishing school and then working, so although I had every intention to exercise, it just didn't happen on a regular basis. When I found out I was pregnant this time, I was determined to exercise regularly the entire time. I made a schedule and have been able to stick with it throughout my pregnancy. I've really noticed the difference in my weight gain. While I've gained a healthy amount, I don't feel like a whale, I just feel healthy. It's really helped me stave off the aches and pains that come as you get further along in pregnancy. I'm also hoping it will help me have the strength I'll need for a vaginal delivery, or to recover quickly from a C-Section.

What do I like to do for exercise? After having two miscarriages, I've realized what an incredible blessing it is to carry a healthy baby full-term, and what an incredible task it is for your body. I strongly believe in listening to your body and not pushing it too far while it's trying to build a sweet little one. On days I feel great I love to do something aerobic like Tae-Bo or a nice long walk. On days I wake up tired and dragging I usually stick with Yoga. Sometimes I mix in a workout with the exercises from What to Expect When You're Expecting for a little variety. As you can see from the picture, Little O loves to join me whatever we're doing. This has worked great for me, but everyone is different. I'd suggest to pick your favorite exercises and stick with them, while listening to your body for cues. I feel that what you do isn't as important as how regularly you do it.

2. Eat Healthy and Snack Healthy

I started this pregnancy with morning sickness, and it was the longest 10 weeks ever. I feel horrible for those who are sick throughout their entire pregnancy! They should definitely be given a medal or something. After I made my way through the period when I wanted to vomit anytime someone mentioned food, I entered the period where I wanted to eat anything that didn't eat me first. It didn't take long before I realized I needed to be careful or I would eat way more than what my body needed. Portions are where I struggle, so I tried to be more deliberate about the amount of food I took at meal times. Instead of putting dinner on the table, my husband and I fill everyone's plates in the kitchen and then sit at the table to eat. This way you have to make a conscious decision to get up and get seconds.

For snacks I like to try to stick with fruits or veggies. I love hummus! It changes things up enough to make it more exciting and a little more filling when you're really hungry. Of course sometimes as a prego lady you just crave some carbs. For times like this I try to keep a couple things on hand:
Trail Mix
Granola Bars- Ones with fiber help boost that important part of your pregnancy diet, too.
Raisins- These are perfect to throw in your bag when you're in a hurry.
Chex Mix- OK, so this probably doesn't fit the healthy category, but sometimes you just have to indulge those cravings a little. :)

3. Body Pillow

This is the only way I can sleep throughout pregnancy. Between me, my belly, and my body pillow, my poor husband only has a sliver of bed left. He'll be happy when the baby comes and he can finally reclaim some more territory, haha! I love just the regular straight body pillow by Aller-Ease since I have chronic allergies. If you have a different type that you love, please post in the comments!

4. Drink Water

I'm a believer in the incredible benefits that come with drinking plenty of water. As you can see from the picture above, my water bottle is well-loved. It goes everywhere with me. I drink between 72 and 96 ounces a day. That's quite a bit of water. Not everyone needs that much. I've just found that my body works best on that much water. In order to be sure I get it in each day, I drink one of these full at breakfast, one by lunch, one before dinner, and one at dinner or just after. Setting a schedule helps me remember to get it in. If you're worried increasing your water intake will just mean you have to go to the bathroom all the time, give your body about 2 weeks and it will adjust to the change so you won't have to. I've found that water really helps with morning sickness and achy joints thanks to the relaxin being released in our joints during pregnancy. It also helps keep swelling down, so keep sipping away!

5. Sleep and Rest

Making a baby takes a lot out of you, so give your body a rest! If you're already a Mama, then chasing those kiddos takes even more energy. If this is your first baby, then everything is new to your body and it needs rest. Either way, make sure you get to bed in plenty of time to get the zzz's you need. Don't feel bad about putting your feet up and taking a break when you start to feel sacked. Your body is working hard and it needs all the energy you can help it get!

6. Stretch and Do Kegels

One reason I love Yoga so much is the great stretch it gives your achy, tired joints. Stretching helps alleviate some of the pain that comes later in pregnancy as your belly gets bigger. I've noticed that if my legs get restless or I can't sleep, then doing some stretches before bed helps me rest.

With my first pregnancy I hardly ever did kegels. I read that they were important, but I simply could never remember to do them. This pregnancy I've been trying to be better in the hopes that it will help with a smooth VBAC. In order to help myself remember, I set a specific time of day I do them. Each morning, before I even get out of bed, I sit up with my back against my pillow, pull my legs into the cross-legged position, and do my kegels. This has helped me be much more diligent at doing them. If you haven't heard of kegels, here's a great site to read up on what they are and how to do them.

7. Brush It Off

When it comes to pregnancy, everyone has an opinion on everything. For me, they want to tell me if I should VBAC or not and if my C-Section was really needed or not. Sometimes they have an opinion on how big your belly should be, how close this baby is to your last, or what you should and should not be doing. If there's one thing I've learned through this pregnancy, it's to just brush it off. All that matters is your own opinion and your doctor's. So just smile, say "thanks," and move on. It's not a big deal.

8. Be Comfortable in Your Own Skin

Pregnancy has to be one of the hardest times to be comfortable in your skin. I mean, your skin is being stretched to it's max! Beside that, there's the stage where you don't look pregnant yet, but your definitely bigger than you were, and all those beautiful stretch marks that start appearing everywhere. It's a huge change for your body, but such a miracle that it can build another little being inside you. Be amazed by the miracle that is occurring inside and try to love your body with these new curves. You really are beautiful!

9. Be Informed

This is the lesson I wish I had learned before my first pregnancy. You have 9 months before your little bundle arrives, so use that time to learn what you can about the whole pregnancy and birth process. Take charge of your doctor's appointments. Ask questions and read up on anything you might not feel comfortable with. There's so much information out there that you can never read it all, but be informed as best you can. Know your options and discuss them with your doctor or midwife. I believe that decisions for you and your baby's health should be made jointly with your doctor or midwife, it's not a one-way street where they talk and you just go along with what they say. They are the expert, but it's your health, so take the time to learn and be informed about decisions.

10. Enjoy the Journey!

The biggest tip I can think of is to simply enjoy the journey that pregnancy is. Eventually, this special time will come to an end and you will hold your bundle of joy in your arms and marvel at the incredible miracle the process is. So, take time to feel your little one wiggling inside and find their little limbs and love the beauty of your growing belly. Simply strive to enjoy the journey!

Monday, June 1, 2015

How to Host An Old Fashioned Tea Party

There are few events in life that are as unique, exciting, and proper as a tea party. As a little girl I pretended to have tea parties with my miniature tea cups and a tea pot full of water. For some reason the fascination with tea parties never really died for me. I think my sister can say the same because she is the one who came up with the brilliant idea of hosting our own tea party in honor of our mother and grandmothers for Mother's Day. What I love about this idea is that it provides an opportunity for an experience with the honored mothers rather than just giving them a gift. We knew the experience would be heightened if we tried to make the party as close to authentic as possible. This is the list that we used in order to include everything that we wanted in our tea party:

Tea Party 'To Do' List
 -Place Settings
-Finger Foods

We started with invitations. We wanted the invitations to be dainty and formal so we found a template on our Microsoft Word program and went from there.
We found that using formal wording helped the invitation look official and fancy. We used the text:

"You Are Cordially Invited To
A Mother's
Tea Party
Time: High Noon
Place: Fisher Residence"

We used a graphic that we found online of an old-fashioned tea pot to add  a little detail. After printing out the invitations, we glued them to a piece of card stock, punched a hole in the top, and tied a piece of lace through the hole (as pictured). We put each invitation in a large envelope and put a sticker with a gold rose on the front of the envelope. We delivered the invitations on Mother's Day after our mother and grandmothers had finished eating dinner all together.

Now that the invitations were checked off our list, we moved onto a  centerpiece plan. We found the cutest, EASIEST centerpiece idea.

 The three-tiered refreshment serving dish turned out so cute and fit in perfectly with our china. Which reminds me, using china is a must. If you do not have china, at least invest in a teapot.

The teapots are the cutest part of the whole ensemble and make the experience feel authentic. We also used real napkins for our place settings. We used soft pink ones but after our tea party I found some adorable flowery ones that would add a splash of detail to the table. The last thing I would like to mention about the place settings is the tablecloth. We dived into the linen closet and found the pink gingham cloth shown above. Any table cloth will work as long as you feel that the print and color matches the look you are trying to achieve. Another way to improve the look of the party is by having your guests dress up! I dressed my little lady in an outfit that would match the ambiance of the party.

Now for the tea. My sister and I, along with our family, do not drink black or green teas. So we chose to serve peppermint tea and hot chocolate. We grow peppermint in our yard so we made our own tea. If you do not have your own peppermint plant or you would like to keeps things simple, you can pick up peppermint tea bags at your local grocery store or use dried peppermint leaves

Peppermint Tea Instructions
1. Pick the peppermint

2. Wash the peppermint

3. Rub the sprigs and leaves between your hands

4. Place them in the tea pot

5. Pour the hot water into the teapot

6. Let the tea steep (or set) for about 10 minutes

We like to drink our peppermint tea with a little honey. Also, some members of the family (me included) enjoy milk in their tea.

The finger foods were the most time consuming part of the preparations. I would suggest keeping most of the foods simple. We kept all of the food simple except the petit fours.

Our Food List
Fruit Salad
Chicken Salad
Finger Sandwiches
Petit Fours
Shortbread Cookies

I would suggest starting the petit fours way ahead of time. We started the day before by making the shortbread in sheets and letting it cool overnight. We cut, filled, and dipped the cakes the next morning. We timed our preparations to be complete about an hour before our guests arrived. Which allowed us time to freshen ourselves up, put finishing-touches on the table, and greet our guests. When our guests arrived we invited them to sit and visit for a moment while we put the food and tea on the table.
 Once everything was ready we invited our guests to sit at the table and enjoy the tea party. 

If you choose to host your own tea party be sure to relax once everything is complete. You have done all of the work--so enjoy it! Your guests will feel at ease and be able to have a good time if they see their hostess doing so.