Friday, July 31, 2015

10 Stay-At-Home Date Night Ideas


When my husband and I were dating it seemed like the endless flirting and gitty feelings would go on forever. While I still think my husband is a regular Don Juan and we have a great relationship, everyday life dulls our excitement for one another sometimes. It happens to everyone. You get out of bed in the morning and you each have your own agenda for the day.

Exhibit A: I try to scramble into the shower before Kirra wakes up while Eric jets off to the gym for a couple of hours. When he gets back I am busy bathing Kirra and making the bed before I start making his lunch for him to take to work. He gets in the shower and gets ready for work and in no time at all he is out the door for the day and I am beginning the to-do list at the house. Of course we have a kiss goodbye but thats about all the morning has time for.

I love my husband and we have so much fun together that it is really hard to see our relationship go from careless single dating to the doldrums of married life. But guess what? I'm here to tell you that there is hope! Of course everyday life has to continue. Eric still has to go to work to provide for our family. I still have to do the laundry and dirty dishes. However, we can take time-out for our relationship and bask in those fresh lovey-dovey feelings that we enjoyed during our responsibility-free single lives.

Welcome to my cherished list of at-home dates. As many of your know, Eric and I have Kirra our 9 month old beauty box. She is a sweetheart and we love her to pieces but the fact is that you can't have a night out all of the time when you have kids. Babysitters are great but I have found that Eric and I need more "us" time than once a week. As a solution we have created a few dates that we can have after Kirra goes to bed. That way we can enjoy one another without ever leaving home. (Note: I feel it IS important to leave the house and get out together as well). The thing I love about at-home dates is that they can be multiple times during the week if you like!

Some of my dates are more romantic than others because everyone knows that sometimes you want to be romantic and sometimes you just want to have fun being silly and interacting with your spouse. So I suggest selecting the date depending on your mood and that of your spouse.


The at Home Date List

1. Build a Fort- This is one of my favorites because it really brings out the inner child in both of you. We always use blankets draped over furniture but there are many ways to create a fort. Once our fort is made we either eat dinner in there, watch a movie, play a game, reminisce, or just snuggle!

2. Have a War- This can exist in so many forms. We have had pillow wars, tickle wars, pinching wars, water wars, and our new favorite-- Nerf wars. I recently purchased two Boom guns with tons of bullets and now we just keep them out and randomly one of us declares war. Also, They are super inexpensive and totally worth the initial investment.

I highly recommend at least giving this one a try. We have so much fun hiding from each other and making barricades. The first Nerf war we had was after Kirra went to bed so we had to be really quiet as we ran around the house shooting each other. We turned out all of the lights except one above the stairs so that it was  pretty dark. The next morning I took a picture of the table Eric upturned in his desperate attempt to shield himself form my relentless Nerf bullets. ;)

3. Play Board Games- Now don't immediately skip over this idea. Have you actually tried this before? It can be pretty fun playing with just the two of you. Eric and I have a few cards games and one board game that we really like. Of course there is the classic Uno and endless possibilities with a traditional deck of cards. We also enjoy Tenzi which was given to us as a gift from Eric's grandparents. There are a lot of variations that are possible with that game. The board game that we own is called Balderdash. We have played this one together and it is entertaining because the idea of the game is to make up your own definition of words and make it sound legitimate in order to convince your opponent (your spouse) that it is correct. 

4. Romantic Bubble Bath- A normal bath can be spruced into a date by adding and subtracting a few things in a couple of minutes. First of all I remove all "unromantic" items from my bathtub/shower. 

Then add some romantic items like candles and petals. Next, fill the tub with hot water and bubbles. If you love bath salts then go ahead and throw some of those in there too! 

Turn off the overhead bathroom light so that the area is ascetically pleasing and wall-ah! This is a date that can be set up in minutes, enjoyed in the evening after work, or after the kids go to bed. It is a great date for relaxing.

5. Create a Movie Story- Pick a random movie. This movie doesn't even have to look like it's gonna be good. Mute the T.V. and take turns making up the dialogue and the character's lines. Eric and I always go in the comical direction with this. It is really fun laughing at what your partner makes up and creating an outrageous story.

6. Cook Together- Choose something that you and your partner both want to eat. Then, find a recipe and cook together! This can happen almost every night of the week if you want! Just make dinner side by side. Eric and I usually divide and conquer, one of us cuts everything up while the other is cooking. This date is fun because it gives you something to do together while you talk and joke around. In order to make this a more exciting date, choose a recipe that is more complicated than you would usually try and take a stab at it. 

7. Start a Project Together- One of the funnest dates Eric and I have ever had at home is sanding our kitchen table together. In our first apartment Eric's dad gave us a kitchen table. Eric and I decided that we had big plans to turn this table into something amazing. Of course we didn't have any power tools or anything so we bought a couple sheets of sanding paper at the hardware store and we went to work. It turns out that sanding an entire kitchen table and four chairs by hand takes a lot longer then one date, so this date went on for many moons... 

(Eventually we borrowed a power sander)
But it was ok because we talked and got covered in sawdust together on more then one occasion. There is something about working towards a goal together that is fun and romantic. The amount of project possibilities are endless. I would definitely suggest choosing something that you and your partner are both really passionate about so that you are always excited to be working on it together.

Finished Product!

8. Go to Another Country for the Night- Pick a country and pretend that you are there for the night. Make something for dinner or dessert that originates from the country and try to find something in your wardrobe that resembles attire from the country as well. 

Eric and I love being adventurous with food so this is a good one for us. We love asian cuisine and we have fun using asian dining ware when we want to have an asian date night at home. 

9. Movie Night- The tried and true movie night. This is a classic that in my opinion, too many couples fall back on. Movie night can be fun if you don't abuse it. When every date night is movie night then watching movies will no longer feel like a date. I'm just warning you. 
Now, if your going to do movie date night, do it right. Pop some popcorn, get some candy and some beverages out and make the couch taco. Are you kidding me? You don't know what a couch taco is? Oh my goodness you need this is your life. ;) First of all, position your couch in the optimal viewing position to the T.V. now take the other coach, love seat, or chair in your living room and positional it facing the other couch. 

This should create a huge laying platform in front of the T.V. The couch taco is comfortable for everyone and is the perfect cuddle situation! Now enjoy the movie and each other's company.

10. Star Gazing- The title of this date pretty much says it all. Just look at the stars together. Eric and I like to have competitions to see who can see the first/most shooting stars. If the baby or kids are sleeping just take the baby monitor out on the porch with you and relax. In the winter we take hot cocoa out with us. On one occasion we took turns asking each other questions while we looked at the sky. I think experiences like this are important in a relationship. Awing over the wonder of things much bigger than us really brings out deep conversation. It is beautiful to share one's inner most thoughts with the one you love. And being trusted with their thoughts and feelings gives you something to share and protect as a couple, bringing you closer.  So this date is definitely a deep one. 


Every good thing in life takes time and care to keep it great. Relationships are the same way. Dating is important because it keeps couples close. For me, I know that I have the best guy on the planet and I would never want us to drift apart. We have so much fun together and have become so close that I think we are starting to think alike! I can't believe how perfect love is. Don't get me wrong, life doesn't have to be perfect in order for one to have a perfect love. In fact, I have noticed with Eric and I that it is usually when life is the furthest from perfect that we are closest. On that note, I'm going to say, enjoy your special person and find an evening soon that you can have your date night. :)


(Just look at that cutie, of course I want a date night with him.) :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

DIY Canvas Wall Art

I'll be the first to admit I'm not great at interior decorating.
Each time we move, I leave the decorating to the very end of the moving-in to-do list, because I'm just not that comfortable with it. When I do get around to doing it, I usually start with the kitchen and living room and go from there. This way the areas that are frequented by guests are at least done, even if the rest of the house is a little sparse.

When we moved into our current house and O had his own room, I made a goal to decorate his room so it would be a special space just for him. I started with a couple ideas and then didn't get around to them. So, it was one of my summer goals to get the boy's room ready. It was a huge help when my grandmother decided to make matching quilts for the boys and my other grandmother decided to make a matching wall hanging. They're super cute and I'm so excited to use them! This got me going and I finally made myself sit down and work on the canvas wall art I had been planning for so long.

I knew I wanted to do the boy's room in planes, trains, and automobiles, since O loves anything that moves. So I dug out a neat old calendar I had saved from the first year we were married. It was a vintage inspired Lionel Trains calendar. I decided it would make a cool collage for their room.

I love up-cycling things and using supplies I already have, so I pulled out what I needed and made a plan.

Even if you don't have all of these items on hand, this is an affordable project. Especially since almost all of these items can be used again for future projects! I love adding new supplies to my craft bin, don't you?

Here's a list of what I used:
 Acrylic Paint- We usually use either Apple Barrel or Folk Art
Paint Brush- Just an affordable pack with good reviews would be great for this project

 The only thing I had to grab was a couple canvases in the size I wanted. For the space I'm trying to fill I needed 11x14in. canvases. I grabbed mine in a two-pack at Hobby Lobby for a great deal and then got home and found out they were pretty warped. I've since learned from a reliable source that this is not uncommon for this particular product. I would suggest getting a little higher-quality canvases. However, if you're on a tight budget, like me, then here is how my dad and I fixed them:

 That's right... toothpicks! Just put one in each of the warped corners and pound them in until it flattens out the canvas. So simple and no one will ever know!

With my canvases flattened out, I was ready to get started.
First, I gave each of the canvases a base coat of paint. This way I didn't have to cover every inch of canvas if I didn't want to. This also gives the sides a finished look.
Side note on the paint: My mom is a genius with acrylic, she uses it all the time. When I went to start this project I noticed we didn't have much black left in the Apple Barrel Acrylic Paint bottle. I mentioned going to grab a fresh bottle and she said, "I picked up a quart since I'm always running out of black." I ran downstairs to the craft room to find it and couldn't because she keeps it with the cans of house paint. What?! Is that the same thing? If it's acrylic indoor paint it totally is! This saves you from having to buy a million of the little bottles for bigger projects. Plus, she found out that you can get what's called a "trial can" at your local hardware store for an even better deal. They offer them for people who want to try a color before deciding what they want. They're the perfect size for craft projects!

While this was drying, I opened up the calendar and started cutting out anything I thought would look nice in a collage. For this project I thought the cut edges would look nice, but ripping the paper would also have been an option.

After I had all the pieces I wanted cut out, I began arranging them on the canvases. I felt as though this was going to be the hardest part. Fortunately for me, little Elliott got hungry just as I started this and my brother's friend who works at Hobby Lobby took over while I fed him. When I came back she had the cut-outs all arranged and I loved them!

All that was left was for me to trim the edges and Modge Podge the pieces down. I used a pencil to mark where the edges of the canvas were on the pictures and then I cut them to fit. Finally, I began Modge Podging everything down. 
I wish I had looked up some tips before I started this part of the project. I only Modge Podge often enough to not remember what I learned from the previous project, haha! This time I learned that you should adhere the picture to the canvas, smooth out all the bubbles, and let it dry before applying a top coat. This is a little tricky when doing a collage due to all the layers, but when I did this as best I could on the second canvas, it was easier to keep things from bubbling. Also, the bubbles flattened out a lot as it dried, which was a huge relief!

Here are the finished products:

I'm very happy with my first collage project and I can't wait to see them up in my boy's room!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Baby Elliott: A Birth Story

A couple weeks ago we welcomed our little Elliott into the world. It was a beautiful experience, and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to share it with you!

Elliott's birth story has a beginning in O's birth story. When I had O I didn't progress after having regular contractions, so I eventually had a Cesarean Section. When I found I was pregnant again, I had two choices: elect for another C-Section, or attempt a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean(VBAC). After a lot of research, discussion, thought, and prayer, I decided to try the VBAC under certain conditions. I wanted Elliott's safety above all, so I didn't want to push too hard for the VBAC. My doctor and I discussed things and decided it would be safest if I went into labor on my own. I decided Elliott's due date would be a good cut off day for me. I realize this limited my chances for a successful VBAC, but it also limited the chances for an unsuccessful VBAC or emergency C-Section. Since unsuccessful VBACs and emergency C-Sections are much harder on both baby and mom, I was more worried about avoiding these two situations than being able to say I'd had a vaginal birth.

Here I am at almost 32 weeks.

At 32 weeks along I went in for a check-up and baby Elliott was already head-down. I thought this was great and could heighten my chances for getting to VBAC.
At 36 weeks along he was still head-down and I was 70% effaced. I was really excited about this since that's as far as I got with O. I never dilated, I only effaced 70%. I figured this would give plenty of time for my body to begin to dilate. If I could dilate a little, then the doctor could strip my membranes at 39 weeks and that could help my body go into labor on it's own.
I did several things to help get labor going over the next few weeks. I walked and jumped on the trampoline and continued my daily squats and yoga, but nothing happened. I never dilated or even effaced past that first 70%. I had sets of contractions several times, but my body never progressed.

The night before we went in for the C-Section.
My C-Section was scheduled for 7am June 8. They called me the day before and asked me to be there at 5am. I'm not a morning person, so I wasn't exactly thrilled to be getting up that early, but I set my alarm for 4:30am and Mike and I made it there by 5. Since I'd been having contractions off and on for a couple days I asked the nurse to check me one more time, just in case I had started to progress. She hooked me up to the monitor, but there weren't any contractions and I hadn't progressed any more. Part of me was disappointed and part of me was relieved. I still occasionally fight the thought that it's frustrating my body is unable to perform one of the important tasks it was created for. I try to replace these thoughts with gratitude it can build a healthy baby, what an incredible miracle, and appreciation for the advances in medicine that bring my sweet little ones into the world. If these were still pioneer days, my babies and I probably wouldn't be alive.

 I was a little relieved to be going into familiar territory with the C-Section. I prepped for surgery and my doctor showed up to check on us and meet my husband. He left to get ready and they wheeled me into the operating room. I had the same anesthesiologist that I had with O and he got the spinal block right in. Then Mike and my doctor came in and we got started. I love to know what's going on so I feel more involved, so Mike and the anesthesiologist gave me the play-by-play. Before long they had everything open and pulled out his head. The first thing the doctor said was, "Wow, he's big!" They finished pulling him out and the doctor brought him right around to show us. My first thought was very similar to the doctor's, I thought, "He's huge and he looks nothing like O!" They cleaned him up and took his APGARs. He was 9-10, such a healthy boy! Mike brought him around to me so I could stroke his little head while they started to stitch me up. He's so sweet, his little chubby cheeks are my favorite!

Mike took him to the nursery to be dressed and weighed while they finished sewing me up. Afterward they asked if I would rather go to the recovery room or straight to my room. I wanted to see my parents meet our little guy, so I asked to recover in my own room.
After they wheeled me in, Mike came in with our little Elliott. He weighed 8lbs. 8oz. and was 21 in. long. We haven't had an 8lb. baby in my immediate family before, so he's so big to us!

After my parent's held him and we took some pictures, I rested for a little while until my sister brought Little O to meet his brother. I was so excited for him to meet Elliott, and it was such a sweet moment! He loved Elliott as soon as he saw him. He kept saying, "He's so cute! I love his little feet!"

Little O holding Elliott for the first time.
 We got O a special new shirt for the big day. I wanted him to be excited and not feel neglected. Mike and my mom and sister made sure he had a very fun time while I was at the hospital.
Dada and Big Brother with Little Brother.

Aunt Lindsay holding Elliott for the first time.

Miss Kirra and Elliott were obviously besties from the start! ;)

Aunt Sarah and Elliott

Uncle Austin and Elliott
It was such a great day. We were very grateful for our doctors and nurses, they were fantastic! I feel so blessed to have our little Elliott here happy and healthy. Who could ask for more?

Monday, July 6, 2015

Lunchtime Under the Pressure of Swimsuit Season

Have you had to put on your swimsuit yet this season? Well I have and just like every summer I had the same reaction.

"Why have I not been preparing for this moment???" 

Then I swore I would keep my appetite under control and put in the necessary squat and crunch time...

...Then lunch time rolls around and I'm starving! The last thing I want to eat to satisfy my hunger is a boring salad. Don't get me wrong, I love veggies, but I need some variety and creativity! Well today I am going to let you in on a little secret. When I have an array of veggies that I am planning on eating for lunch and I need something more exciting than a salad, I make a rice paper roll.
Doesn't it look delicious? That's because it is! And that puppy is CRAMMED with nutritious veggies and savory turkey breast. 

It all starts with these simple little rice papers. They come in a pack with what seems like a jillion papers in it. Seriously, I've had this same pack of papers forever.
I bought the Mekong brand but I have found other brands on Amazon that look like they would work great and be more affordable. Another option is picking up a pack in your local grocery store. The awesome thing about these bad boys is that the only ingredients are tapioca, rice, salt, and water.  I did a little digging around and found brown rice paper also! So if you are allergic to white rice you might want to give the brown rice papers a try.
The instructions are simple and to help you through this new process I have created a picture-by-picture guide.

I like to always keep a head of cabbage in my fridge because it lasts forever without going bad and I can throw cabbage in a rice paper wrap with whatever other veggies I have on hand. 
I chop about 1/2 cup if I am only making one wrap. 

Next, I look through the fridge and chop up any other veggies I spot in there that look like they would work. This can be anything, but here are some veggies I have tried: zucchini, crook-neck squash, onion, spinach, mushrooms, carrot, cucumber, tomato, and avocado.

Today I used cabbage, carrot, spinach, and onion.

The way you cut the veggies doesn't really matter but I do long strips to more easily fit in the rice paper wrap. Also, I cut the carrots on an angle to make them longer pieces (As shown below).

*Side Note: A couple of years ago my husband's grandparents went to Alaska on a trip and they brought us back an Alaskan cutting knife and board. At first I thought that it was a souvenir to display rather than use. I'm so glad we started using it because now we use it every day. It is so much faster and easier than a traditional knife and cutting board. My husband actually refuses to use our other knives and cutting boards. Haha. 
I cut a little less than 1/4 cup each of my other veggies.

Today I included turkey breast lunch meat, any type of meat would work but meat is not required. I usually eat my rice paper rolls without any meat at all. (The boys in the audience let out a huge GASP) ;)

Now for the fun part. Select a sheet of rice paper.

Fill your sink with a couple inches of warm water and dip the sheet in the water for about 5 seconds.

Remove the sheet from the water and let it drip for a couple of seconds.

Now place the wet sheet on your plate.

Put the veggies and meat that you chopped up toward one side of the middle of the circle.
(My veggies are slightly to the left)

At this point you may add some sort of sauce. I always use Sriracha sauce but soyoysterteriyaki, or any other type of desired sauce would work. *Note: sauce is optional.

Next, fold up the ends.

Now tuck and roll.

 Keep rolling...

Once you had rolled it completely, the end will stick to the roll. That paper sticks to itself very nicely.
At this point I cut up some fruit, fill up an icy water bottle, and sit down to enjoy lunch. Sometimes I dip my wrap in some sauce but only on days I am feeling saucy ;) Just kidding. 
P.S. My husband got this Mizu water bottle for his birthday and I keep using it while he is gone because it is awesome. We also have a Mizu thermos and we love it. Check out their website if you haven't already.

I hope this lunch idea helped some of you. It is super easy to make after you have tried it once or twice. It takes me the same amount of time as constructing a traditional sandwich or wrap. Plus, you don't have to feel guilty about eating it when your under the pressure of swimsuit season. Now that's a win!