Monday, July 6, 2015

Lunchtime Under the Pressure of Swimsuit Season

Have you had to put on your swimsuit yet this season? Well I have and just like every summer I had the same reaction.

"Why have I not been preparing for this moment???" 

Then I swore I would keep my appetite under control and put in the necessary squat and crunch time...

...Then lunch time rolls around and I'm starving! The last thing I want to eat to satisfy my hunger is a boring salad. Don't get me wrong, I love veggies, but I need some variety and creativity! Well today I am going to let you in on a little secret. When I have an array of veggies that I am planning on eating for lunch and I need something more exciting than a salad, I make a rice paper roll.
Doesn't it look delicious? That's because it is! And that puppy is CRAMMED with nutritious veggies and savory turkey breast. 

It all starts with these simple little rice papers. They come in a pack with what seems like a jillion papers in it. Seriously, I've had this same pack of papers forever.
I bought the Mekong brand but I have found other brands on Amazon that look like they would work great and be more affordable. Another option is picking up a pack in your local grocery store. The awesome thing about these bad boys is that the only ingredients are tapioca, rice, salt, and water.  I did a little digging around and found brown rice paper also! So if you are allergic to white rice you might want to give the brown rice papers a try.
The instructions are simple and to help you through this new process I have created a picture-by-picture guide.

I like to always keep a head of cabbage in my fridge because it lasts forever without going bad and I can throw cabbage in a rice paper wrap with whatever other veggies I have on hand. 
I chop about 1/2 cup if I am only making one wrap. 

Next, I look through the fridge and chop up any other veggies I spot in there that look like they would work. This can be anything, but here are some veggies I have tried: zucchini, crook-neck squash, onion, spinach, mushrooms, carrot, cucumber, tomato, and avocado.

Today I used cabbage, carrot, spinach, and onion.

The way you cut the veggies doesn't really matter but I do long strips to more easily fit in the rice paper wrap. Also, I cut the carrots on an angle to make them longer pieces (As shown below).

*Side Note: A couple of years ago my husband's grandparents went to Alaska on a trip and they brought us back an Alaskan cutting knife and board. At first I thought that it was a souvenir to display rather than use. I'm so glad we started using it because now we use it every day. It is so much faster and easier than a traditional knife and cutting board. My husband actually refuses to use our other knives and cutting boards. Haha. 
I cut a little less than 1/4 cup each of my other veggies.

Today I included turkey breast lunch meat, any type of meat would work but meat is not required. I usually eat my rice paper rolls without any meat at all. (The boys in the audience let out a huge GASP) ;)

Now for the fun part. Select a sheet of rice paper.

Fill your sink with a couple inches of warm water and dip the sheet in the water for about 5 seconds.

Remove the sheet from the water and let it drip for a couple of seconds.

Now place the wet sheet on your plate.

Put the veggies and meat that you chopped up toward one side of the middle of the circle.
(My veggies are slightly to the left)

At this point you may add some sort of sauce. I always use Sriracha sauce but soyoysterteriyaki, or any other type of desired sauce would work. *Note: sauce is optional.

Next, fold up the ends.

Now tuck and roll.

 Keep rolling...

Once you had rolled it completely, the end will stick to the roll. That paper sticks to itself very nicely.
At this point I cut up some fruit, fill up an icy water bottle, and sit down to enjoy lunch. Sometimes I dip my wrap in some sauce but only on days I am feeling saucy ;) Just kidding. 
P.S. My husband got this Mizu water bottle for his birthday and I keep using it while he is gone because it is awesome. We also have a Mizu thermos and we love it. Check out their website if you haven't already.

I hope this lunch idea helped some of you. It is super easy to make after you have tried it once or twice. It takes me the same amount of time as constructing a traditional sandwich or wrap. Plus, you don't have to feel guilty about eating it when your under the pressure of swimsuit season. Now that's a win!

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