Monday, May 25, 2015

Two Sisters and Alot of Ideas

Ta-Dah!! Here we are. Two sisters with a lot of ideas that we are going to include in this blog. My name is Sarah Harmon and my sister is Rachel Mitchell. We are both married and young mommas. We love our kiddos and we spend a lot of our time keeping up with them and sharing ideas about parenting, crafting, cooking, and all of life's quandaries. Haha. But seriously, we hope to help someone by sharing some of the conversations and ideas that we have shared with one another. Having a sister is the best because it's like having an automatic B.F.F., confidant, and  partner in crime! This was us then:
Rachel (pictured on the left) was pregnant with a baby boy and ready to pop any minute! Rachel is four years older then me but we have always been besties. This is Rachel's baby now:

He's in a hurry to grow up, unfortunately for Rachel. He's already crawling, pulling himself up, and checking out anything he can get his hands on.

Rachel also has an older tyke we call Little O. Here he is:
He just started 'Tot School' with a couple friends last week and has been loving it. Rachel will have some posts coming soon on fun ideas for teaching toddlers.

My baby is a sweet little 16-month-old girl.
She is such a little mover and has a spunky personality! I've been enjoying sewing up adorable new outfits and accessories for her!

Here we are now:

Enjoy the posts that follow, be sure to ask any questions, and follow us as we stroll through motherhood with a sparkle!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to keep up with your blog ladies! Good luck with the baby Rachel!
