Friday, February 26, 2016

Deep Clean Your Bathroom with 3 Household Products

I already admitted my love to deep clean, so now you get to hear all about it for awhile!
A couple years ago I started to hear about cleaning your house with natural products. I was drawn in by the fact that it would save me from having to buy expensive cleaners anymore, loved the fact that I wouldn't have to worry about my toddler getting into my cleaning supplies and getting sick, and the fact that it would limit our family's exposure to harsh chemicals was like icing on the cake. I was sold! Fast forward three years, and I do almost all my cleaning with vinegar and baking soda. When I'm deep cleaning, I still love a little bleach to help whiten things up. These are my three go-to products for deep cleaning the bathroom.

It's easy and cost-effective, need I say more?!
I start by doing my regular cleaning with my vinegar-and-water spray bottle and pin-pointing any spots that might need a little extra help. Then, I bust out the baking soda and my cleaning brushes.
I love my giant bag of Arm and Hammer Baking Soda, because I never have to worry about it running out!

I pour some baking soda in a cup, wet my cleaning brush(which is actually a dollar store toothbrush), dip it in the baking soda, and start to scrub. I love how easy the toothbrush makes it to get into the little crevices around the faucet and drain. I just scrub the spots that I think need some extra help. You can scrub the paste on and leave it for awhile before you wipe it off, or you can scrub it right off if it's not very bad.

In my bathtub this time I had some red algae that's been giving me troubles and some soap scum. Can you see the red streak down the wall? Gross!

To loosen up that scum and algae, I sprayed on my magic cleaner and let it sit for awhile. I'll tell you all about my magic cleaner in a future post, so stay tuned! ;)
Then I used a bigger scrub brush for the tub, sprinkled the baking soda right on it after I got it wet, and started scrubbing.
The soap scum came right off and shined right up!

The algae needed a little extra convincing...

This is where my good friend Bleach came in. I grabbed a bowl, a roll of paper towels, and headed for the bathroom.

I love my select-a-size paper towels for this, they're the perfect size!

I poured some bleach into the bowl, tore five or six sheets of paper towels, and put them in the bowl, too. After they soaked full of bleach, I pulled them out one-at-a-time and placed them on the problem areas in the tub. This time I used them around the edge of the tub, but I've also used them down in the bottom of the tub and they whitened it up great, as well.

Next, I just left them there for about 20 minutes. Don't forget to leave the fan going so the smell isn't too strong when you go back in!
When I went back in, I pulled them off, threw them away, and ta-da, all white again!

Now I can move that slip of paper into the Ta-Done Jar!

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