Friday, May 13, 2016

Your Shower Curtain, Better Than New!

Did I already mention I'm obsessed with cleaning? Yes? Ok, good.
So, after Mike and I had been married about a year, I went into the bathroom one day and said, "Yikes, we need a new shower curtain!" The old one was covered in hard water and a little mildew, yuck! Being the poor newly-wed college students that we were, I decided it wouldn't hurt anything and could save us some $$ if I just cleaned it. I spread it out on the living room floor that night and attacked it with a spray bottle of vinegar water and a damp rag. It was a total pain in the behind and not worth a $5 shower curtain. The next year I decided there had to be an easier way...

There is!
*Cue washing machine noises*

Now each year when I'm doing my deep cleaning, or I notice it needs it, I just follow these 4 easy steps:

1. Take the shower curtain off the rings.

2. Put it in the washing machine with about 1/2 a cup of vinegar. I just run it on the regular cycle. I've done it in old machines at apartment complexes and in my new machine. You can also use your regular detergent if you want, but you don't need to.

3. Transfer it to the dryer on low heat for about 10 or 15 minutes. Be careful not to leave it in too long, or it can melt or burn it.

4. Hang it back up and admire your "better than new" shower curtain!

There you have it! These 4 easy steps will save you plenty of $$ in new shower curtains, not to mention all that work redecorating to match! ;)


  1. You don't even have to dry it....after all, it is a shower curtain. :) I do this and just hang it back up to dry.

  2. This is a wonderful idea. I'm going to try this tonight!
