Thursday, October 15, 2015

A Letter to the Little Ones We've Lost

In honor of National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day, I'm sharing a very personal letter I wrote to our two angels we lost to miscarriage.
My hope is that it can reach out to others going through similar losses and help those around them understand what their loved one might be going through.

Dearest Little Ones,

I've started this letter many times. Each time I struggle to find the correct words to express the thoughts and emotions I carry closest to my heart. I hope to do so now.

There is so much I wish to convey to you. So many thoughts I've wished I could express to you. First, the deep desire to see you, to hold your little hands, and kiss your sweet feet. I can't tell you how many times I've longed to know what color your soft hair is or the beautiful hue of your big eyes. Are your ears like Dad's? Are your noses like mine? It's so hard not knowing. Many times my arms have ached to have had the opportunity to hold your sweet little frames, even just once. What I wouldn't give to have even one short memory like that of each of you to hold on to.

As I go through my life, which inexplicably continued after you each passed on, I hope you know I think of you often. Even though you are no longer on this Earth, I still remember you and love you just as much as our sweethearts that are here with us. I never want you to feel forgotten because you are not physically here. I will always remember you and love you. You will always keep a special place in my heart.

I'm so grateful that our Savior sacrificed His life for us that we may live again with Him. Because of His Atoning Sacrifice, our family is sealed together for eternity and we will be together again. I know that it is only through Him that I am blessed with the ability to see you, hold you, and kiss your sweet cheeks after this life is through. I look forward to the day that we are reunited.

Until then, I want to thank you for teaching me so much about patience, love, humility, and faith. Your lives may have been short, but they touched mine deeply and I am eternally grateful for that. Thanks in part to your sweet lives, I continue to grow and progress each day. Until we meet again, remember how much I love you.

Your Mother

If you have lost a little one, please know that you are not alone. There are so many of us who have been there too. We love you and pray for you.

If you know of someone close to you who has lost a little one, please reach out to them today. It will mean the world to them. My own sweet family sent us a bonsai tree this week and I'm eternally grateful to them for the special love it shows. What a wonderful, living reminder of the little ones we will see again.

There is also a candle lighting tonight. If you'd like to participate, light a candle at 7pm in your time zone and leave it lit for an hour. This will create a wave of light across the nation. Our candle is ready, next to our bonsai tree.

For more information on events and history, please visit

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