Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Traditions Through the Years

This time of year is so exciting!
There's family, lights, gifts, trees, and so much more. What's not to love?!
Some of my favorite parts of Christmas are traditions. We have so many fun ones that we love during this season!  

We love to kick off the Christmas season by heading out to pick out our Christmas tree. We pack some hot chocolate, bundle up, and jump in the truck to head for the mountains. If there's enough snow, we bust out the snowmobiles and have a nice ride while we look for the perfect tree.
This year, we just drove up in the four-wheel-drive and hiked around together to find our tree.
We had a great time bundling up the little ones and playing in the snow while we looked.

After we get home, we love to help pull out the Christmas totes and decorate the tree with some treats.

The next tradition we jump on is Christmas movies. Who doesn't love curling up next to the fireplace in grandma's giant fleece blanket for a feel-good Christmas movie?!

Polar Express, White Christmas, and The Lion and the Lamb are three of our favorites from when we grew up. We also love A Charlie Brown Christmas, It's Christmas Again Charlie Brown, Mr. Krueger's Christmas, and Emmett Otter's Jug-band Christmas.The men in our family love A Christmas Story and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

Our Mom's favorite tradition is snuggling on the couch with some hot chocolate and reading The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Toomey. If you haven't heard of this story, you should definitely look it up, it's such a sweet story and so fun to share with the little ones.

Another favorite tradition is Christmas jammies. It's so fun to have a fresh set of warm jammies for Christmas morning.

This year Grandma had fun picking out new Christmas jammies for all the grandkids and Aunt Lindsay. They're so cute in their new PJs!

Finally, we love to review the story of Christ's birth, the reason for the season. When we were young, we acted out our own live nativity. It was really fun when we had cousins over to help fill roles, too!

When we got older, we started reading through Luke 2 together instead. Now we have little ones of our own, we're going to rekindle our old tradition and we'll let you know how it goes!

These are the traditions we love, but mostly we love the time we get to spend together with family during this time of year! Please share your favorite Christmas traditions with us, we'd love to hear about them!

Have a Merry Christmas!

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