Sunday, January 10, 2016

Not Your Average New Years Resolutions

I love the energy January brings. Everyone is welcoming a fresh start with determination to change. The stores are showcasing exercise clothing and protein shakes, while the gym's popularity increases by the second. This year I decided I wanted to step outside of my normal new year's resolutions and make a different type of resolution. Normally, my goals would look like this: 1. Get in shape 2. Eat Better 3. Be on time. From year to year there is usually a bit of variance, but you get the idea. This year I asked myself, "Who do I want to be at this time next year?" After I answered this question, I knew what my new goals were. This year I want to focus on being the best wife and mother I can, cultivating my talents, being kind in thoughts, actions, and words, and simplifying my home. These are the things I truly want to work on in 2016. These are not resolutions I feel inclined to make, they are goals I cannot wait to work on because I want the outcome so much. Don't worry, I am going to be eating well, exercising, and striving for punctuality, but in 2016 I am going to work beyond those things and hopefully grow inside. I want to share my endeavors with you through the blog and I plan on making my goals a priority. I look forward to this year and I hope you do too!


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