Sunday, January 10, 2016

What's New in the New Year?

Happy New Year!
So, what's new in the new year?!
I'm excited to start a new line of posts this year about what I'd like to call the "Lost Arts."
I noticed last year, that my family is a little different from most modern families. We love old things. Not like that-pair-of-jeans-you-never-threw-out-from-high-school old, I mean antiques old. With this love comes an interest in those special arts that helped create these things.
From a young age, I remember sitting on the floor with Sarah as my mom helped us cut out a pattern to sew a new outfit for 4-H, tying a quilt for a sick baby in our ward, spending hours visiting with both of my Grandmothers as we quilted one of my wedding quilts, and getting new crochet patterns for Christmas to try out. Each of these special skills seem to be waning in the world today, so I'd love to share my love for them with you this year, as well as my journey as I learn the art of tatting! I will also be continuing to post about other projects I'm working on, but I'm excited to add these "Lost Arts" to our blog and I hope you enjoy them!

I love the new year, because it brings an opportunity to start with a clean slate.
One of my favorite activities for the new year is sitting down together and writing our New Year's Goals. This year I set goals in 4 areas: Physical, Spiritual, Social, and Intellectual. I'm excited to share them with you!

Physical- Return to Pre-baby weight and shape.

Spiritual- Memorize a new scripture each month.

Social- Speak only kind, non-critical things of others.

Intellectual- Read up on one current event each week.

On top of personal goals, we like to set family goals and marriage goals. I really love having these posted in the house so I can see them all throughout the year and assess how we're doing. It really helps us stay on track!

Do you set goals for the new year?
We'd love to hear them, please share in the comments below and we can help one another work toward them this year!


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